

Hello and nice to meet you. I'm Tristie, or just Tris and this is my personal website. I'm a developer, musician and photographer from the U.S. The pictures on this page includes some random pictures I took at some point. Want to see what I'm doing NOW? If so, check out my now page. This website is my little nook on the internet and I hope you like it :)


This block right here is my motivation to finish one of my two big projects right now. Hopefully this isn't permanent.

Status Cafe Feed

114 days ago

Posting this on the arc browser (for windows) and it's very interesting

123 days ago

BlueSky has a very high username length limit if you use subdomains :)

137 days ago

Good things will come for those who wait, but not for those who wait too late.

179 days ago

Absolutely can't wait for Bun for Windows coming out soon !!

194 days ago

My sleep schedule is more random than lava lamps used for encryption

201 days ago

Got a BlueSky account finally after being on the waitlist for months yay

328 days ago

Hey I'm Tris and this site looks really interesting, so that's what I'm doing now

Daisies near wall

Daisies near wall